Online coaching

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Personalized Program Design

Welcome to our online coaching platform, where we are dedicated to helping you achieve your fitness goals through personalized strength and mobility training, 24/7 communication, and expert physiotherapist advice, as well as personal nutrition advice, fill-in sheets to track progress, etc. Down below is a visual journey representation:

We understand that every person’s fitness journey is unique, which is why we provide tailored long-term programming. Our expert coaches work closely to develop a plan that is specific to your fitness level, lifestyle and preferences. The program takes into account former injuries and/or disabilities and works around them to create a flawless experience.

Communication is the key to success, which is why we provide 24/7 access to our coaches and physiotherapist. Whether you need advice on exercise form or have questions about nutrition, our team is always available to support you.

Our comprehensive training programs include strength and mobility exercises that are designed to instantly improve your overall fitness. We offer specialized programs for running, cycling, and swimming, made by a multiple National Triathlon Champion.

At our online coaching platform, we know that nutrition plays a crucial role, which is why our nutritional expert provides personal nutrition advice to help you optimize your diet and achieve your goals.

We also offer personal update coaching calls to help you stay on track and make progress towards your fitness goals. Our fill-in sheets allow you to track your progress and stay motivated as you work towards your fitness goals.

We are committed to helping you achieve your fitness goals, and our online coaching platform provides everything you need to succeed.

Join us today and start your journey towards a stronger, healthier you.

Due to our experience with training clients we have assembled a proven way of tracking our clients throughout the online coaching course.

  • 12 Week Cycle
  • 28 Day Phases
  • Slack Communication
  • Form Coaching
  • 3 Coaching Calls
  • All exercises have personalized videos
  • Coaching Cues in the video
  • Personalized Instructions
  • Intra Phase Sub-Goals
  • Fill-in sheet to track progress
  • Manual to read sets, reps, tempo’s etc.

Book a call


Sophie Molinard

Superhuman 2021

I reached out to Seiza Training because I often suffered from pain in my knees and back while running long distance. Since one of my all time goals is to run a marathon, this problem had to be solved.

The coaching process started with discussing my goals and needs. After this coaching call a coaching plan was made based upon my specific needs. Every exercise in my schedule was explained by a video of the coaches showing the exercise, which was very handy since I didn’t know any fitness exercises.

The program showed me the importance of overall strength and mobility: I can now run 30 kilometers without any physical complaints and feel more prepared than ever to run a marathon. Not only did my body get stronger which made running long distance a lot easier, I also got faster. I can now quite easily run at a pace of 4:40min/km on short distance, something I never thought was possible.

What I especially like about Seiza Training is the personal approach. Tom and Nick are both super friendly and help you with everything you need, they correct where necessary but most importantly they celebrate all your victories with you, big and small. They really want to see you succeed, which is very encouraging!

Jonas Dierick

Superhuman 2021

Two years ago I started working out without any experience, but not much later I got a back injury. 

To be honest, at the time I thought I would never be able to achieve my goals, that my body was not made for it. Through contact with the club physio however, I ended up with Tom. 

For months I followed physiotherapy and my back improved. Even more important was the confidence I gained by learning to pay attention to form, tempo, etc. I got back into fitness and started with online coaching with Seiza Training. Meanwhile, I am about four months into it and I feel better and better. 

The fact that I can go to Tom and Nick with any questions at any time is a huge comfort. Don’t forget that they are both very good and motivated professionals.

Moreover, all the exercises are geared towards my goals I want to achieve. I couldn’t be happier with my choice!

Becoming stronger is cool
Becoming healthier in the process is cooler

@deridderbert talking about the collaboration with SEIZA

#seiza #onlinecoaching #antwerp #antwerpen #stronger #pain #rehab #testimonial
Become great at the basics first
Create a foundation
Then push yourself hard 
Be consistent

#seiza #testimonial
Gym or No Gym ?
No problem

#seiza #testimonial #seizarunning #marathon #onlinecoaching #antwerpen #antwerp #training
A change of scenery proved out to be the shock the body needed for @deridderbert 

Very thankful to have helped with his body transformation🫡

#seiza #testimonial #onlinecoaching #coaching #antwerpen #isolation #compound #progressiveoverload #bodytransformation